UBN5 afgelast

Droevig nieuws in mijn mailbox vandaag: UsByNight 5 gaat niet door 🙁

De vijfde editie van dit jonge maar nu al hoog aangeschreven design event zou doorgaan in april 2021. De aanslepende Corona-ellende brengt echter zoveel onzekerheden met zich mee dat het voor de organisatie ondoenbaar is om een real life internationaal event op poten te zetten.

Wie al een ticket heeft, kan een terugbetaling aanvragen. Al kan je er ook voor opteren om die refund achterwege te laten en zo de organisatie te steunen. Wie UBN op een andere manier een hart onder de riem wil steken, kan dat doen met een warme gift. Een nieuwe datum voor UBN5 is er niet maar Rizon Parein, stuwende kracht achter UBN, belooft een come back in stijl. We kijken er alvast naar uit, Rizon.

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Our founder @rizon_parein explains! – Hello UBN family, How crazy it is, knowing that last weekend we would have all gathered again, all those smiles, sparkles, friendships, the reuniting… still surreal. We were so much looking forward celebrating our 5th edition, pre-sales were smashing all records once again. As everybody knows, we decided quite early at the start of this pandemic to postpone UBN to April 2021. This move came with a lot operational costs and advances were lost… Hefty as we are a young festival and have not yet had the chance to build up a healthy reserve. When we now look at April 2021, only 7 months away, we still see many uncertainties. How many people will we be allowed to host, the numbers change continuously. We fly in around 100 speakers and live artists from all over the world, we sell tickets to over 50 countries and have no clarity regarding traveling restrictions. The same goes for our supporting partners, all marketing funds are put on hold, which has a huge impact on our general production. All this together makes it impossible to guarantee you a UBN edition at the standards we stand for. At this moment, promising another new date would imply making again large investments without certainty and this is a risk we simply cannot take. Therefor we see no other way than to cancel UBN5 until the world is freed from this virus. We want to announce UBN5 with a *BANG*, with confidence, better and stronger than ever… all or nothing! We’re offering current ticket-holders a refund. As you can imagine under the current circumstances this weighs in heavy. To cover our losses we have therefor created a way to make a donation to the UBN fund. Your name and website will be placed on our website and we will be forever thankful!! Same goes for those who don’t want a refund, your ticket can completely or partially be considered as a donation, please let us know your preference. Will miss all of you big time!!! Keep using these times to explore, stepping out of the ratrace and give your mind and soul a nice treat! We’re part of defining a new era in arts, let’s make it beautiful. x Rizon

A post shared by Us by Night – Antwerp (@usbynightfest) on


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